Morpheus636 Docs

Git Workflow: CI/CD


main or production

Code in the main or production branch is automatically deployed to the production environment. Code merged in this branch should be stable, and it must go through the full code review process described below. Code deployed to production should always be deployed to staging first.


In the staging branch, code is tested and verified before bing moved to production. All code (except for hotfixes) should go through staging.

The staging branch should be the destination for pull requests from feature or bugfix branches.


Feature branches should be branched from the Production branch. They are where active development of new features or improvements to existing features should take place.

Feature branches should start with feature/, and be followed by the GitHub issue number and a brief description of the feature to be added.

Example: feature/#32_rate_limiting


Bugfix branches should be branched from production. They are where bug fixes should be developed.

Bugfix branches should start with bugfix/, followed by the GitHub issue number and a brief description of the bug. Example: bugfix/#33_rate_limit_crashes_client


Hotfix branches are where especially urgent fixes should be developed, since hotfix branches are the only way to merge code directly into production without testing it in staging first.

Hotfix branches start with hotfix/, followed by the GitHub issue number, and a brief description of the issue being fixed.

Example: hotfix/#34_remote_code_execution

Commit Messages

Commit messages are very important. They tell other developers what you did without them having to read all the changes you made. Commit messages should be in the form:

#<GitHub issue number>: <Description of what you did>

Example: #15: Added endpoints for adding/removing users


All merges into staging should happen via a pull request from a feature or bugfix branch. Once the code has been tested in staging, it can be merged into production via a pull request from staging.

The Code Submission Process outlines the requirements that pull requests must meet and the process they will go through.