Morpheus636 Docs

Python-Specific Contribution Docs


Morpheus636 Python projects use Poetry as a dependency manager and build system.

First, make sure that the correct version of Python is installed on your system and accessible via PATH. If you’re on Mac or Linux, Pyenv may be helpful for managing multiple versions.

Next, install Poetry. Poetry’s installation documentation can be found here.

Once Poetry is installed, open a new terminal instance, cd into the root of the repo, and run poetry install. This will install all production and development dependencies defined in pyproject.toml.

Automated Checks


Morpheus636 Python projects use Pre-Commit to install git pre-commit hooks, which run the following tools:

  • Black (Style Enforcement)
  • iSort (Import Sorting)
  • Flake8 (Linting)
  • PyTest (Tests)

Pre-Commit checks will abort the commit if something isn’t right, so check the logs and fix anything it catches before you try again. In many cases, it will fix the issues automatically and you just need to stage the new changes and commit again. If you need to bypass these checks (which should be avoided if at all possible), you can use the -n flag in your git command.

After setting up your poetry environment (described above) run poetry run pre-commit install to setup pre-commit automatically.

GitHub Actions

Morpheus636 projects use GitHub actions for CI checks. These actions are triggered when a pull request is opened or updated, and when code is pushed to an important branch (main/production, staging, or release branches)

These GitHub Actions run the following tools:

  • Black (Style Enforcement)
  • iSort (Import Sorting)
  • Flake8 (Linting)
  • PyTest (Tests)
  • CodeQL (Security Analysis)

The Actions logs will show what specifically failed. You can fix the issue by adding a new commit in the source branch, which will automatically re-run the checks with the updated code. Only Maintainers can bypass these checks.


Morpheus636 Python projects use Black for code style. Because of the automated checks, you can write your code in whatever style you want, and Black will auto-format it to meet code standards when you commit, and again when you submit a pull-request.